sabato 23 giugno 2012

holidays in the sun.

today was very very very sunny day in rome, it was insanely hot! i hate being a couch potato, so i spent time with my good friend giulia. we had coffee, we took a walk in EUR and then we had dinner. it was a very simple day, but still i had a really good time.

everyone tells me i am obsessed with my my phone, which - i admit - is kind of true. iphones are just so fun and unique, i never get bored! plus, i love my iphone cover! it's a baby pink rabito case, i purchased it on internet a few months ago, and it's just so cute that i never get tired of it.
i really love pastel colors in the summer; today i wore my chanel nouvelle vague (527) nail polish; when this color first came out, two years ago, i just fell in love with it instantly, as soon as i saw it. the color of the brandy&melville skull bracelet that i'm wearing is very similar.

she is giulia! isn't she gorgeous?

you can follow me on instagram (@pancyyy), or follow my blog with bloglovin.


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